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Posts Tagged ‘Roy Barnes dirty tricks’

Fake group “Republicans Against Deal” use dirty tricks against Georgia’s Nathan Deal with fake Facebook page, fake “friends” list, fake comments, fake endorsements

Posted by danishova on October 30, 2010

UPDATE: Fake facebook page fails to flip governor’s office to Barnes. The AJC reports

Nathan Deal led a historic Republican sweep of Georgia on Tuesday, soundly defeating Democrat Roy Barnes to become Georgia’s next governor.


Paging Roy Barnes…

Let me begin by saying that I supported Karen Handel for Governor.  I liked her executive experience as Secretary of State where she did a superb job bringing integrity to the voter rolls, and valiantly fought back against Eric Holder of Obama’s corrupt D.O.J. I thought she ran a very impressive, professional campaign, and didn’t like the fact that ethics charges haunted Deal’s campaign. That being said, I voted for Deal for Governor.

This ad from a group calling themselves “Republicans Against Deal” which kept popping up at Hot Air piqued my curiosity:


Clearly we are meant to believe that he’s a total perv who wears crooked glasses (a clever subliminal message that he’s a kook and a crook?).  What’s this gay tabloid stuff about? A May 23rd story in the Savannah Morning News headlined, “POLITICAL NOTEBOOK: Gay-rights charges nag Handel”) puts that mystery to rest.  During the primary Deal alleged that Handel was soft on traditional values and was supported by the Log Cabin Republicans, an assertion that was found in a now defunct “gay tabloid”, The Southern Voice. Ergo, Deal is a perv who reads gay tabloids.

Moving along, if one Googles “Republicans against Deal” there is no organizational info available. Just this fake facebook page (which the ad also directs to) that pretends to have 288,516 friends, including Sarah Palin, Erick Erickson of RedState, and Governor Sonny Perdue  – all Republicans we are meant to believe are “against Nathan Deal”.


On the right one see’s fake claims (OMG!! Check out what these REPUBLICANS are saying about Nathan Deal!). One is from a “spokesman” for Sonny Perdue, who in reality supports Deal and calls him a “friend” (I know that for a fact because I got a robocall from Sonny). That would be a real friend, not a fake facebook friend.


Another faux endorser? Eric Erickson of RedState who while lukewarm on Deal nevertheless joins the team to support his candidacy here:

Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)

Wednesday, August 11th at 11:19AM EDT


While we can question the wisdom of putting Nathan Deal up against Roy Barnes, that’s what Republicans decided in Georgia last night and we’ll respect their decision.

The Deal campaign ran a great runoff. The Handel camp ran a textbook runoff race, but came up about 2500 votes short.

This morning I’m told Karen Handel will be conceding the race. Republicans will now unite to beat Roy Barnes.

Explore the page and you’ll see that it also includes fake comments from the fake friends list. The only real thing are the bios of the fake endorsers. 


I don’t know who this group is.  There is no info at the bottom of the fake facebook page.  One is probably meant to believe that Karen Handel is behind this but I reject that possibility out of hand. I’ll take a wild guess and say “Roy Barnes campaign”; a second choice would be the DNC or some group in George Soros’ web.  Crazy you say? Perhaps, but having a Republican governor is very important when it comes to congressional districting, so it’s not beyond the realm of possibility to think some shadowy DNC-affiliated national group is behind this fakery.

And I’m not a lawyer but it seems obvious that this is a blatant copyright infringement of Facebook.  Other than tracking them down at the sites they advertise on, which is going to be difficult since it is a Google ad, I don’t know how one finds these fly-by-night political operatives.  No doubt that in the new world of social media, this sort of fakery will be common.  Time will tell whether or not facebook goes after these groups.

We know that Democrats think voters who don’t vote for Dems are stupid (and crazy) , and are thus stupid enough to fall for this fakery, but we’ll show them who the real dunces when the election results come in on November 2nd, won’t we now!


Aw, these Barnes supporters are so clevah! This comment from “Nathan Steal” showed up in my spam comments:


-Nathan Deal’s campaign has been alerted to this fraud. I called there and they said some gentleman had told them about it this morning.

-Revealed: Roy Barnes is a weasel.  Other dirty tricks revealed here (“When campaign ads go too far”). Ironically the  same despicable ads this blog post talks about run at their website, on the right hand side and as a banner ad at the bottom.  It’s like a virus that can’t be stopped.

– Roy “The Weasel” Barnes used fake news footage in anti-Deal ads:

ATHENS, Ga. — Democrat Roy Barnes, under fire for airing TV commercials against Republican Nathan Deal that consist of faked news video concocted to make Deal look bad, late Wednesday afternoon accused Deal of going beyond the standard attacks that one expects in a fierce campaign for governor, and trying to fool voters himself — by creating fake news-type coverage in a TV commercial that he’s running against Barnes.

– Gawd. Now I’m being assaulted with the Deal thinks sexual assault and domestic violence is fake or something web ad.  This ad actually links to a real facebook page (“Women against Deal”) and unlike the other ad, this says it’s paid for by Roy 2010, inc. I’m not going to link to the facebook page because it’s so pathetic. You can find it if your really must see this typical Dem operative sleaze operation.  I’ll give you a screenshot though:


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